How to use GroupNews: a Quickstart guide
To get started, here are some basics you should know about:
Your Group
Think of the Group as the overall organization. GroupNews is designed to be the information center for the entire organization, so the Group name should encompass everyone.
Channels are divisions within the group. Subgroups, if you will. These can be departments, committees, or whatever you wish. Learn more about Channels.
Stories, Events, and Deadlines
Stories, events, and deadlines are posts - content that members (who have permission) can add to GroupNews, either in real-time or on a posting schedule as determined by the administrator.
Every story, event, and deadline published in your GroupNews group includes a robust discussion section by default. Group members can post comments, spin off reply threads, upload files and tag other Group members, allowing for contextually relevant cross-org conversations.
Every group has an owner, a member of the group who is the overall administrator. This person can invite members, assign administrative rights, and change group settings.
Administrators are Group members who have administrator rights granted to them. Administrators can configure channels, invite people to the group, update group options, and most group settings.